Placing Youth on the Path to Success!
Through Mentorship, Empowerment, Restoration, and Mental Heath.
We are so happy to finally get out and help immigrants in our community. Due to Covid-19 many people have a need for food and other basic items, so we set out to our community in Calgary area to distribute necesary items to immigrants, newcomers and international students. We filled boxes with food, basic needs like toilet paper, giftcards, etc., which we brought to young adults in need. To take extra precautions we wore masks and practiced social distancing make sure we were keeping everyone safe.
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Vision: The purpose of this project is to help immigrant youth realize that whatever stage or situation in life they find themselves in, they can still make a difference and a personal choice to rebuild their broken pieces with our support. This program will support their mental and emotional well-being, we aim to help our youth build the capacity to gain leadership skills for their future. In this, they will increase their self-worth, self-esteem, and self-value. We will also be supporting and mentoring students from visible minorities both locally and internationally in order to bridge the gap between their ethnic culture and Canadian culture. The hope is to reduce mentally destructive attitudes and create a safe environment in our community.
Founder: My name is Abiola Ojo, I am a registered psychiatric nurse licensed in both Canada and Uk. I have been practicing as a RPN for the past 15yrs and I have worked with client at different levels of mental illness. Lonely, But Not Alone is a non-for-profit organization that is developed out of a passion and inspiration for young people from different backgrounds, especially youth from visible minorities. Immigrants who come to Canada are faced with culture shock and struggle with ways to eliminate the shock. The Lonely, but not alone will help to develop our youth by providing them with programs that enhance lifestyles and help build quality character traits.
Rural Mental Health Project
Our project has been developed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). Our project is funded by the Edmonton location. The Rural Mental Health Project has been designed to strengthen community capacity for mental health wellness. We will create a network that supports collective learning, solution-sharing, and a growing collection of resources.